We ourselves realized the real value of our Kitscon math lab Instruments‚ when our great President of India Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam, invited Ramanujan Museum & Math Education Centre team to his office at Rastrapthi Bhawan on 12th January‚ 2005 and spent nearly 20 minutes of his golden time to analyze the simple concepts spelt by EX math lab Instruments. At last he said
"During my school days‚ I used to score 100 out of 100 in mathematics; had I been taught with these math learning instruments I would have definitely scored 110 out of 100”
What a laudable testimonial the Kitscon math lab instruments had earned from such a laurel and great scientist of 21st century. Again we did not realize that his words are true‚ until we had testimonials from thousands of math teachers , parents and students who had the opportunity to explore‚ experience and enjoy mathematics through Kits Con Math Lab Instruments. |
Sample Experiments |
CBSC Schools |
ICSC Schools |
Goverment Schools |
List Of Schools |